
Sunday 3 July 2011


Our life in Christ and our unity in the spirit does stop us from being unique. It stimulates diversity for God's work to make us  truly who we are meant to be. God did not create us with different gifts, different desires so we could all be the same. No, God created us with these gifts so that we can use them to help others, to save souls, to inspire those that are in need.  So if you are ever feeling useless, like you have to be like everyone else is because otherwise you are no one, talk to God in that moment. Speak from your heart, speak all that you have ever wanted to say. Because if no one else will understand, no one else cares, God is always there.
God bless xxx

Don't ask God to make things easy, ask God to make YOU stronger!

When are praying we often find ourself asking for solutions, asking for things to get easier, we can't cope ect... But does it not sate in the bible that God will not provide you with any problems that are greater than you can cope with?
So when we feel like we are about to give up, remember God can make us strong! We do not have to give up, back down! No fight for what you want and don't give up! You are a soldier of God!

Friday 1 July 2011

Strength in times of weakness

Today my best friend got really ill. She is like a sister to me and having the worry that she might get really ill one day, and I might loose her is always on my mind. Today she had to go into the medical room and I looked after her a bit. I felt so helpless. Like there was no way I could help her. That's when I remembered I still had my piece of cotton dipped in holy oil in my bag, I put it in her pocket and prayed for her. I put her in God's hands.

It is at times like this we must remember even if we may not be able to do anything, God can do anything. Nothing is imposable, and he is with her now. Even if she doesn't acknowledge that. He will do what is right, and we must accept that, even if it hurts us.