
Saturday 24 March 2012

Prayer: a daily service (Psalm 63)

Prayer should never be uninportant to our lives. It is an essential part of our relationship with God. If we just pray when we feel like it, then our prayers will most probably be self centered. If we allow our prayers to flow out of our love and pure commitment to our beautiful God, then it is more likely that when we pray we think about Gods concerns and the concerns of others. Prayer afterall is all way to share or thoughts and release our feelings and love for others dont ever forget to talk to God, because we are not a lone. Ever, God wants us to talk to him!

Thought: payer can be the heartbeat of our relationship with God and our concern and love for those around us :)

God bless you :) xxx

Thursday 15 March 2012

In the world, but not of the world

' I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the worl, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil.' St John 17:15

I read this today and learned a lot from it. I think in many ways we as christians live life in much the same way as otheres, we go to school, get married, rejoice and mourn but we are also very different. This difference isnt just the fact we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord but also the fact we want to make him the normative for our lives. We should want to have everything through Christ alone, in hime and for his sake. This is what makes us different because it doesnt fit with the worlds agenda as such and this often results in us being out of step with those around us. But we should care about what those who dismiss Jesus from their lives believe because we are the ones whose concern is to see God's rulership and grace established in the world.

Stay strong in who you are and your love for Christ even if the world says no.
God bless x

Monday 12 March 2012

Im back

I've been away for a long time. From not only this blog but my religion, alot happened and made me turn away from God.
It was only when I read a book about angels and God's love did I realise how much a part of my lifeGod and his Angels where to me and how much I needed it back to be whole again.
So Im back for good now carring on with my journey to be a woman of God, and i will be blogging on the way :) just remember that God sends messages to us through all gateways even the most unsuspected ways.
God Bless x