
Sunday 26 June 2011

Forgiveness- The message from the Bishop

You are never truly complete without the Holy Spirit

You are never truly complete without the Holy Spirit go to this video to see the truth.


Recently I have felt very, in a way lonely. Those that were my friends seemed so distant, and I felt like I didn't exist most of the time. I just felt like I needed something, but I didn't know what. Last night was when I said enough. I have had micrains (horrible headaches) nearly everyday, and I was so angry. I went to my room and wanted to be alone. Mum came in worried because i looked ill she said, glaced eyes. She said she needed to wash her hair the next day, and I said there is mouse left for your hair the bottle is broken. She got annoyed because it was late and so left angrily to buy some. I was so SO angry, I wanted to rip everything apart. The worst thing was I didn't know why! I started smashing my head on my bed, biting and claw-ring at it going mad, I couldn't control what I was doing then I just broke down into tears.

I crawled into my bed, hugging myself. So alone. And decided to go and turn off the light to get some sleep. That's when the fear came, I was so convinced something was behind the door just about to jump up. I finally plucked up the courage to open the door but wherever I went to escape the fear I felt like I knew something was there to get me. I was terrified. I ran into my room to scared to leave the door open to scared to have it closed and not see the monster coming.

Thats when I prayed to my God, I asked him to make me not so alone to protect me... I pleaded with him.
The next day God provided. Now my friend comes to church with me, and has made me not so alone. She has one of the most beautiful hearts I have ever seen. And I pray that God will be with her when she needs him.

The lesson of this is sometimes we just need to drop our pride and ask for help. And those that constantly ask for help need to see that God will provide, but only when the time is right and you completely appreciate his blessing. Having my friend back, is all I needed. Someone who understands. <3 Sometimes its the smallest thing that can tackle the biggest problem.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Never Give up seeking!

No matter how much of a strong relationship we have with God, you should never give up trying to make that relationship stronger. He is your Father, your Savoir , your Spirit. Without God we would not be here, without God we would be nothing. He gives us hope, strength and peace and loves each and every one of us. 
So think next time you are about to go to bed or when you wake up in the morning and wonder "Can I be bothered to pray? Nah, God knows I love him through my actions, I go to church. I'm happy." no, you are not happy, because the stronger your relationship is with God, the stronger your faith, the more love, joy, peace and light will fill you. Because nothing in the world can fill us with such happiness than that that God can give us.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

A fresh beginning

Today I saw Mrs Nanda's blog - Becoming a Lovelier Woman and decided to write a blog about how I'm starting to search for the real me and become a woman of God. I don't know if this blog will be any use to anybody, but I hope that it will and that others will follow my example. 
From the beginning I have always kept my emotions bottled up, hidden from anyone. Putting on a false smile and false sense of confidence. I started getting so good at the lies that I began to forget who I actuarially was. I was drowning in old emotions and new alike swirling around my head, my body. I could hardly think, I could hardly concentrate. But I still kept up the false me, I didn't know anything else. The emotions began coming out, I began to hate who I was becoming, and so did my friends. 
This was when God brought me to church through one of my friends in class. We had never really talked much, but I respected her more than I could admit. She was herself, and had a beautiful heart and soul. She was one of those people you wanted to impress. 
So I came that Sunday for the first time. People were excepting, but I kept up with the negativity I was so scared that they would reveal all that was underneath my smile. That was the day when the 21 day challenge was started. No entertainment just concentrating on our spirituality. I knew I had to do this, I knew that this was my calling. I for the first I let it all out and I cried and cried, and the people there understood. 
But soon the desire to stay strong in the purpose wore off and I gave up, but some how I think that this was what I needed. In this time my friendships grew and my family improved. But I was still lieing and I was still keeping up the false pro tense.
But I began coming to church more and more and tried more and more. But whatever happened, whatever I tried I felt so empty. I had been touched by the holy spirit, but not delivered. I knew I had to get Baptised.
That was one of the most challenging, and most important days of my life. After my baptism I felt pure but soon after I sinned and stopped of coming church, I was trying to sort things out and become stronger all by myself. I failed. I learnt that without God nothing works.
After three weeks I returned. It felt like I was coming back home. I was strong, I was happy, and that day I seeked my deliverance, I strengthened my faith and received! 
I believe I have the spirit and I am strong!